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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Holy Cow!!

I dont know why people dont use that saying anymore?!?!? nowa days they say holy crap or holy u kno wat. lol so far summer has been uber boring. theres like nothing to do yet. im excited for saturday june 12, 2010 cuz im goin to Latigo's concert!! whoop ima try to get a tan on my ghostly skin. lol in the long run, im excited for december cuz my mom said we might move to denver which means i get to see my puppy alex!! he's a pug and not really a puppy.. he's 8 yrs old. lol he's adorable but wats sad is that he's going very blind. =[ but im happy tht i still get to see him!!! im B-O-R-E-D!!! lol =] i cant wait to catch up wif my friends frum liek a long time ago when i wasnt grounded. lol whoop. getting closer each day!! lololololol moo!!