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i am who i am and your opinion doesnt matter

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hi, my name ish Emmii

Well, theres me! I'm 100% loser. lol. Guess wat! i mite be moving bak to texas in december. Im stoked but also sadd. ima mish courtney and zeb and jimmy and watshisface i 4got his name. lol im especially guna mish jared. he was there for me wen no1 else wuz. but i get to see sabrina and alex and chris and lexi and maritza and max and tj and brad and dylan! in sum of mah pics i look liek a ginger but im actually brunette. i do hav deh temper of a ginger and also sumtimes the brain of a blonde. lol sooo yhuppers! lol my fav sayin is laugh when you fall. BROKEN BAND AID!! lol i came up wid broken band aid about a week ago. but yhupp im me and wont change. lopl

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