About Me

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i am who i am and your opinion doesnt matter

Friday, December 31, 2010

happy new year!

happy new year everybody!!!1 i hope you guys all had a fantastic 2010 and hope u guys hav an even better 2011!!! ewwww never eat the dough tht comes out of a can! it doesnt taste as good as homemade pizza dough or cinnomon roll dough!! lol
party hardcore!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

omonomnomnom i eat yhuur face!!

pahahaha im emmy the dinobear! GRAWRG!!!! LOL i love my friends they are ever so odd. lol. they make my life very interesting!!!!! hehehehe merry day after christmas and 5 days til a happy new year!!! lolololol. =] omnomnomnom my hair is gettin curly thanks to my mother. why was she born with curly hair/!!?! grr! i love her crazy butt anyway lol
love, emmy

Friday, December 24, 2010

Oh Goodness Gracious!!!

Oh my goodness! it's already christmas eve!! holy moly! hahahaha gosh 2010 flew by!! before u kno it its gonna be boxing day! (which is on sunday) lol. crap i wonder wat 2011 will bring us. i took a quiz and it said it wud bring me romance. i was like "pffft wateverrr" lol.. gage and jaden r playin a war game with guns from tht huntin game tht u plug into the t.v. lol. merry christmas to:

LOL. <3 emmy

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

the NeW and improved EmMy rAiN

okay, things have changed.....ALOT...maybe its for the best, but who knows.... heres wat has changed.
i TrUsT:
my family(:
my pug,alex(:
my sea lion, dilbert(:
the moon(:
WhO i Am As A pErSoN:
I'm Emmy And I'm Scared Of The Dark (Sadly). I Occasionally Run Into Walls And Apologize When I Bump Into Tables. I Think I'm Overweight But People Tell Me I'm Not. I'm A Loser, But I'm The Most Epic Loser You Will Ever Meet. I Don't Like It When I'm Lied To; Honestly, I Know I Have Anger Problems. I Know I'm Not Normal, But Tell Me This; Who On Earth Is Actually Normal?
mY oUtLoOk On LiFe:
i believe everyone has a perpose in life. they will most definitely fulfill that perpose before they die. I do believe in God but i dont think theres just one right religion. i think everyone was something immortal before they were born. everyone has a special gift. mine is writing. there is beauty in everything. im beautiful on the inside.
sooo yeah..? thts the new me. well technically i've always been like this, but i never showed my true colors. soo yeah..?
laughin over purple losers,
emmy rain

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

eMmY rAiN

goodness!!!! lol i like eatin cookies at 2 am!!! heheheeheheheh
omonomnomnomnum i eat yhuur face!!! <3 ha! blahh..... boredom.....again... lol i made a crappy secrets video. lol thts wat i called it. i titles it "my crappy secrets" and if u watch it i hav to things to tell u. no, im not emo. no, i do not burn anymore. ^_^ it only lasted like 3 days not even. my knee hurts.. OMFB HEY!! is it possible for ur knees to fall asleep?!?!?!? cuz i was on the bus and i had my knees against the seat and when i got off they were all tingly!!! hehhe lol. bleh. but yeah..? lol. me and alyssa came up wif scene names for everyone lol. im emmy endangerment *she came up wif it* shes alyssa apocalypse blayne *BLAYNER!!! lol* is blayne biohazzard shaila is shaila silence and shana is shana suicide. lol no, like i said im not emo. lol. bye!
----emmy endangerment----

Saturday, December 4, 2010


justine got me hooked on bring me the horizon. i like don't go. they r amazing!!!! linkin park is comin to denver in february. are u ready? I AM!!!!! lol =] justins band Latigo is in a contest tonight. GOOD LUCK JUSTIN, JOE, TYLER, MIKE, AND WAYNE!!! lol. i get to hav blue bell ice cream today!! yes, they brought blue bell to colorado!! AHHHHHh!!! I SO EXCITED!!! lol i hung out wit alex yesterday! no, not my dog. lol =]
I <3 BmTh!!!!


Friday, December 3, 2010


meeeee!!! lol these r random pics i took today lol. i was babysittin jaden. lol. im bored. =p blehhhh!! my tummy is rawrin. lol =]
laughin over purple losers, emmy

haha hehe gigglegiggle gurgle gurle gaggle!

hmmm.... i look diff. lol omonomnumnomnum im bored!!