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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

eMmY rAiN

goodness!!!! lol i like eatin cookies at 2 am!!! heheheeheheheh
omonomnomnomnum i eat yhuur face!!! <3 ha! blahh..... boredom.....again... lol i made a crappy secrets video. lol thts wat i called it. i titles it "my crappy secrets" and if u watch it i hav to things to tell u. no, im not emo. no, i do not burn anymore. ^_^ it only lasted like 3 days not even. my knee hurts.. OMFB HEY!! is it possible for ur knees to fall asleep?!?!?!? cuz i was on the bus and i had my knees against the seat and when i got off they were all tingly!!! hehhe lol. bleh. but yeah..? lol. me and alyssa came up wif scene names for everyone lol. im emmy endangerment *she came up wif it* shes alyssa apocalypse blayne *BLAYNER!!! lol* is blayne biohazzard shaila is shaila silence and shana is shana suicide. lol no, like i said im not emo. lol. bye!
----emmy endangerment----

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