About Me

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i am who i am and your opinion doesnt matter

Friday, December 31, 2010

happy new year!

happy new year everybody!!!1 i hope you guys all had a fantastic 2010 and hope u guys hav an even better 2011!!! ewwww never eat the dough tht comes out of a can! it doesnt taste as good as homemade pizza dough or cinnomon roll dough!! lol
party hardcore!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

omonomnomnom i eat yhuur face!!

pahahaha im emmy the dinobear! GRAWRG!!!! LOL i love my friends they are ever so odd. lol. they make my life very interesting!!!!! hehehehe merry day after christmas and 5 days til a happy new year!!! lolololol. =] omnomnomnom my hair is gettin curly thanks to my mother. why was she born with curly hair/!!?! grr! i love her crazy butt anyway lol
love, emmy

Friday, December 24, 2010

Oh Goodness Gracious!!!

Oh my goodness! it's already christmas eve!! holy moly! hahahaha gosh 2010 flew by!! before u kno it its gonna be boxing day! (which is on sunday) lol. crap i wonder wat 2011 will bring us. i took a quiz and it said it wud bring me romance. i was like "pffft wateverrr" lol.. gage and jaden r playin a war game with guns from tht huntin game tht u plug into the t.v. lol. merry christmas to:

LOL. <3 emmy

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

the NeW and improved EmMy rAiN

okay, things have changed.....ALOT...maybe its for the best, but who knows.... heres wat has changed.
i TrUsT:
my family(:
my pug,alex(:
my sea lion, dilbert(:
the moon(:
WhO i Am As A pErSoN:
I'm Emmy And I'm Scared Of The Dark (Sadly). I Occasionally Run Into Walls And Apologize When I Bump Into Tables. I Think I'm Overweight But People Tell Me I'm Not. I'm A Loser, But I'm The Most Epic Loser You Will Ever Meet. I Don't Like It When I'm Lied To; Honestly, I Know I Have Anger Problems. I Know I'm Not Normal, But Tell Me This; Who On Earth Is Actually Normal?
mY oUtLoOk On LiFe:
i believe everyone has a perpose in life. they will most definitely fulfill that perpose before they die. I do believe in God but i dont think theres just one right religion. i think everyone was something immortal before they were born. everyone has a special gift. mine is writing. there is beauty in everything. im beautiful on the inside.
sooo yeah..? thts the new me. well technically i've always been like this, but i never showed my true colors. soo yeah..?
laughin over purple losers,
emmy rain

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

eMmY rAiN

goodness!!!! lol i like eatin cookies at 2 am!!! heheheeheheheh
omonomnomnomnum i eat yhuur face!!! <3 ha! blahh..... boredom.....again... lol i made a crappy secrets video. lol thts wat i called it. i titles it "my crappy secrets" and if u watch it i hav to things to tell u. no, im not emo. no, i do not burn anymore. ^_^ it only lasted like 3 days not even. my knee hurts.. OMFB HEY!! is it possible for ur knees to fall asleep?!?!?!? cuz i was on the bus and i had my knees against the seat and when i got off they were all tingly!!! hehhe lol. bleh. but yeah..? lol. me and alyssa came up wif scene names for everyone lol. im emmy endangerment *she came up wif it* shes alyssa apocalypse blayne *BLAYNER!!! lol* is blayne biohazzard shaila is shaila silence and shana is shana suicide. lol no, like i said im not emo. lol. bye!
----emmy endangerment----

Saturday, December 4, 2010


justine got me hooked on bring me the horizon. i like don't go. they r amazing!!!! linkin park is comin to denver in february. are u ready? I AM!!!!! lol =] justins band Latigo is in a contest tonight. GOOD LUCK JUSTIN, JOE, TYLER, MIKE, AND WAYNE!!! lol. i get to hav blue bell ice cream today!! yes, they brought blue bell to colorado!! AHHHHHh!!! I SO EXCITED!!! lol i hung out wit alex yesterday! no, not my dog. lol =]
I <3 BmTh!!!!


Friday, December 3, 2010


meeeee!!! lol these r random pics i took today lol. i was babysittin jaden. lol. im bored. =p blehhhh!! my tummy is rawrin. lol =]
laughin over purple losers, emmy

haha hehe gigglegiggle gurgle gurle gaggle!

hmmm.... i look diff. lol omonomnumnomnum im bored!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

NeW eVerYtHiNg

wow... al0t has changed. my my my.... lol. I LUV MATT JASON E AUSTIN ELIDA COURTNEY SHAILA ALEX TYLER SABRINA CHRIS AND DYLAN!!!! lol =] im bored. sooo... yeah....?
----emmy exterminator----

Sunday, November 7, 2010


mOoOoOoO!!---it looks like bubbles!! OoOoOoO!!! hahaha 0.o hahahahah im happy. HAVE YOU LAUGHED TODAY???? got spaz??? hahahaha moooooooo


la lalala lalala

uhmm.... i saw paranormal activity 2 yesterday wit buddy alyssa and gage. it was a lot of fun cuz i had a skittles war and i havent seen buddy in 2 1/2 yrs. haha gage was crawlin around a lot cuz we were in the front row. lol. look up if it means a lot to you by a day to remember. heres the link.


god song. lol... soooo yeah....?? i've been messing up a lot lately and im sorry if u were one of the ppl i took my anger out on. *cough cough* matt and brian *cough cough*

--emmy exterminator--

Saturday, October 23, 2010


blah blah blah blah blah nothingness of the world. look up black orchid by blue october. make sure u listen/ read the lyrics. =p

new beginnings

ok, well everything has changed. new friends.... new emotions.... new everything. have you ever had someone so close to you that you guys are inseperable but then you mess up and they act like all of that means nothing?? What i find funny is that technically this isnt new. im best friends with my friends i havent talked to for 2 years and i dont talk to my so called "friends" that i have been hanging around with for those 2 years. the people who waited 2 years for me to come back around are my real friends. not the freaking jerks who get mad when you mess up and claim they will never speak to you again. isnt funny how in the movies you run into the person you never thought you would never talk to and they changed completely!! do you think that happens to everyone or just the selected few?? who knows.
-------emmy exterminator--------

Friday, October 15, 2010


oops.. lol. im soo bored!! lol i got my fone back so i supah excited! lol. im watching napoleon dynamite!!! WORST DAY OF MY LIFE WATAYA THINK!! haha im having a laughing battle with bray------- jas---- ok screw it his name is braydin but he is changing to jason so im gonna call him brayson!!! hahahahahaa SOME SAY LOVE IT IS A HUNGER AN ENDLESS ACHING NEED I SAY LOVE IT IS A FLOWER AND YOU...... hahahahaha HAPPY HANDS CLUB!!!!! im hyper!! =]


Friday, September 17, 2010

my boys matt and brian =]

well the last post was by brian. xD he hacked me. well is it hacking if you let him do it? xD ok, well wat he said was true. we the 3 musketeers!! they hav been there for me since the start! i love them sooo much it hurts!! we unbeatable together and we stick like glue.xD i love them they rock my world!!!! =]

--<3--- emmy the musketeer ---<3---

Monday, September 13, 2010

ma new boys da best ones in da world

me matt and brian are the best homies ever us together we are unbeatabele we are a team that well never breake apart i love u boys u guys are da best

Saturday, September 11, 2010

LeTs Go To ThE MaLL!!

lets go to the mall you kno they hav it all...... rock it on the escalator, mosh pit in the elevator!! hahaha i love scotty vanity!!! the foorball game was sick!! Air Force won =] after the first 10 mins, one of the guys from BYU got tackled and was apparently hurt and while i was waiting in line to get food w/ my dad i told him tht the guy was a marshmellow. =] I WANNA DO UR MAKE UP WHEN YOU WAKE UP SO COME ON OVER I'LL MAKE YOU OVER!! lol scotty vanity is the snap crackle pop!!! hahhahahahahaha!!! =]


Friday, September 10, 2010


grr. my head hurts and i gunna hurl and then my throat hurts. on top of tht im getting dragged to a football game tomoro. im kinda excited cuz it Air Force vs. BYU. im so miserable today. i just wanna scream at the top of my lungs but i cant. =[ sad face. my foot fell asleep. oh no its the tingle monsters!! i must fight them off!!! ahhhhhh!!!! ok its gone. xD ughhhh......... did i ever say how much i hate being sick? grrr..... ok heres another song.

its love the way you lie and heres another

tht one is wont go home without you by maroon 5.

my head hurts soooo bad....... i wanna crawl under a rock!!! i wonder wat its like to be a frog.... u get to hop around all day, but u also have to hide from kids like GaGe!! gage would most likely kill it after 30 seconds. he a violent little sucker!! heres 3 more songs.

thts knives and pens.

thts you should have killed me when you had the chance

and thts scream for my icecream. its a very strange song.... i got it from merrick who got it from jaci. lol.

sooooo yeah....???? heres a pic of black veil brides, a day to remember, and blood on the dance floor. they the ones who sing these songs.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


lol!! i went to elitch gardens today!!! i rode the mind eraser 3 times, the boomerang 2x chaos 1x the freaking awesome teacups!! lol and i also rode this green rollercoaster 2x. it started sooper high and then u drop down sooper far and then u go upside down then u stop and do it backwards again. lol. i also played ghost blasters!!! lol i got owned tho. sad face!! lol oh i also rode shipwreck falls and disaster canyon!! its these 2 water rides where u get soaked. lol. i had soooo much fun. lololol. heres a pic of me standing in line at ghost blasters!!

Friday, August 27, 2010


zomygoodness!! gosh im mad at merrick for gettin tht stuck in my head... lol. ok so since i havent posted anything in a while, im gonna post something NEW!! AHHH!!! breathe i know its crazy!!! lol. xD haha i saw austin!!!! he has changed soooooo much!! lol. i keep losing my voice!!!! GRRR!!! i love gir!! not grr GIR!!!! lol. im listenin to picture by kid rock and sheryl crow. its a good song!! heres the link.


lol i love it so much!! lol DUUDEEEE!!! IM GETTING TALLER!!!! AHHHHH!!!!! lol. anyways, i finally got a reply about getting my book published. the guy told me to keep writing and to show the story to friends and family THEN send it to publishing companies. lol. it took FOREVER!!!!! lol i emailed him back in i think it was may. lol. HOW R YHUU???!! lol im bored. lolololol. IF U LOVE ME LISTEN TO PICTURE!!!! hahahaha =]
----<3---- EmMy

Saturday, August 14, 2010

why does life get so boring? OMFB!!!! last night around 11 i went in the back feild where that closed down church was with justin and we saw 4 shooting stars!! =D i was so happy lol. then while we were walking around, we passed one of the entrances to the church and i saw someone standing there!! justing at first saw it then about 5 seconds later we walked back and the person wasnt there!! =o -gasp- lol. reeses puffs arent as good as they say they are!!! ewwwww!!!! lol gage nailed me in the face with a frisbee yesterday. wat was funnier was when jack was trying to throw it to me, but instead it bounced off gages head and hit the ground. at first we were laughing but then gage started crying, so we felt bad. xD hahaha. lol

Thursday, August 5, 2010

ahhhhhhH!!!! idkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hahahahaha

gosh im bored. its like almost midnight and im listening to 18th floor balcony by blue october.. lol dont ask why cuz i dont even know. lololol duuuuuudeeee im getting braces in a few days. =p lol i was gonna say something but i forgot........ OH YEAHH!!!! im siked cuz im going to TX for christmas and hopefully new years!!!!!!! uhhhhh.... wat else was there...... oh yeah i promised jack i would say hi, soooo....... HELLO THERE JACK!!!!!! xD lol im spazzy today for some reason. well it started when my dad got back from wisconsin or however u spell it..?? lol. ahhhhhH!!!!! duuuuuudeeeee my mom went to high skool wif blue october. AINT DAT COOL????? lol.. oh i was gunna tell dominic hi too. lol HI DOMINIC!!!!! hmmmm ok heres everyone im saying HELLO THERE!! to. lol





COURTNEY!! (shes in one of my pics. lol)


Wednesday, July 14, 2010


omg!!! zomg!!! zombie oh my gawsh!!!! lol jkjkjk. ugh i have camp next week. then i finally get to go home. i have been at my dads since saturday. the good thing is that im going to elitches on saturday!!! my dad attempted to make me go to bed at a decent time last night but i didnt sleep til 4. thats the earliest its been in 2 weeks!!! so im growing my hair out then im gunna get choppy layers and so yeah!! cant wait!!! lol im soooooo boreeeedddddd. BOW CHICKA WOW WOW CHICKA WOW WOW!!!! lol didnt i look so cute when i was 8?? lol

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Holy Cow!!

I dont know why people dont use that saying anymore?!?!? nowa days they say holy crap or holy u kno wat. lol so far summer has been uber boring. theres like nothing to do yet. im excited for saturday june 12, 2010 cuz im goin to Latigo's concert!! whoop ima try to get a tan on my ghostly skin. lol in the long run, im excited for december cuz my mom said we might move to denver which means i get to see my puppy alex!! he's a pug and not really a puppy.. he's 8 yrs old. lol he's adorable but wats sad is that he's going very blind. =[ but im happy tht i still get to see him!!! im B-O-R-E-D!!! lol =] i cant wait to catch up wif my friends frum liek a long time ago when i wasnt grounded. lol whoop. getting closer each day!! lololololol moo!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hi, my name ish Emmii

Well, theres me! I'm 100% loser. lol. Guess wat! i mite be moving bak to texas in december. Im stoked but also sadd. ima mish courtney and zeb and jimmy and watshisface i 4got his name. lol im especially guna mish jared. he was there for me wen no1 else wuz. but i get to see sabrina and alex and chris and lexi and maritza and max and tj and brad and dylan! in sum of mah pics i look liek a ginger but im actually brunette. i do hav deh temper of a ginger and also sumtimes the brain of a blonde. lol sooo yhuppers! lol my fav sayin is laugh when you fall. BROKEN BAND AID!! lol i came up wid broken band aid about a week ago. but yhupp im me and wont change. lopl


I love this song called iris by the goo goo dolls. its wonderful! lopl im attemptin to 'widen my vocabulary'. lopl. btw LOPL stands for laughin over purple losers. i came up wif it at da beginnin of 7th grade. so anyways bak 2 iRiS, some girl danced to dis song at deh talent show and i fell in love wif it. lopl. grr i hate bein sick. DUDE!!!!! i missed my final fer humanities!!!!! snap crackle pop!!!!! lol i think it funny how mah techur hates meh. lol.